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All Formula One Chassis are given a name each
season. So for example Ferrari's 2006 model is entitled the F248 (Ferrari, 2.4
Litre, 8 Cylinders). However in 1988, the imaginative brains at Osella came up
with the chassis name FA1L (Formula 1, Abarth, Deviation L).
Engine supplier for 1988, Alfa Romeo were so disappointed by the teams lack of
promotion (Osella wanted to use either Motori-Moderni or Cosworths) that they
prohibited the use of the Alfa name with Osella. The team simply rebranded the
engines to 'Osella'
The Alfa engines were heavy, slow, unreliable and thirsty, but helped the
under-financed team through the Turbo era.
It seemed that the naming of the car was an
omen of things to come, lets take a quick look at the statistics achieved by
this car:
- 15 Races entered
- Zero wins, zero second places, zero third
places, zero fourth places, zero fifth places, zero sixth places
- Zero points scored
- Ninth place highest finishing position
- Average finishing position of 13th
- Seven retirements
- One disqualification
- 2 failures (FA1LURES?) to qualify
- Average qualifying position of 24th
- Average fastest lap of 20th
- Zero races led
- Zero fastest laps
Yup, that would seem like a big FA1L to me...
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Images of the Osella FA1L
The FA1L at Monaco in the hands of
Nicola Larini
Big thanks to Mark
Griska, who provided background information for this piece!
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